Please read this admissions page prior to inquiring.
7 Questions for Prospective Eden Families
At Eden Classical Academy, our first goal is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ. If Christ is Lord, then we ought to glorify Him in all parts of life. Eden families seek to glorify the Lord in all that their family does; in their family structure, devotion to the Word, in the training and catechising of their children, family worship, and a vibrant church community of which they serve rather than merely consume from.
Eden is a discipleship school, seeking to come alongside parents as they bring their children up in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord. It is essential to the integrity of our community that parents be Christians committed to biblical truth and glorifying God in all of their life.
All academic subjects beautifully and uniquely glorify the Lord. Science without marveling at the Lord’s unique and intricate creation is lacking. Mathematics without true delight in exploring the patterns of our Creator is not what we are after. Analyzing characters in literature without considering what Scripture instructs good character to be returns empty and subjective.
At Eden Classical Academy, Christ is at the center of the school and therefore the center of all of our classes and subjects. All courses and educators at Eden have a commitment to keep Christ at the center of each subject and point students to the glory of God in what they’re studying and learning. As we partner with parents, we desire that parents would marvel alongside their children at how great our God is as He is displayed everywhere in academic studies.
Classical education is a unique philosophy and form of education that displays what is good, true, and beautiful. This is exemplified throughout the three stages of Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric. In the Grammar stage (K-6th), students grow in knowledge by memorizing facts through the means of Memory Work. This incorporates all of their courses content from history, to math facts, to parts of speech, and so on. In the Logic stage (7th-9th grade), students grow in understanding by beginning to step into analysis and persuasive thought. Students take their knowledge and begin to examine, distinguish, and differentiate. This leads to the Rhetoric Stage where students grow in their ability to apply the wisdom gained in prior years to all areas of life. Students begin to master the art of effectively, eloquently, and formally presenting persuasive arguments to defend, support, and critique truth to the glory of God. Our desire is to see graduates of Eden Classical Academy who possess godly virtue and character, the ability to think deeply and biblically, and a robust ability to communicate Truth in a way that ultimately points people to Jesus Christ.
Reading is no longer a cultural norm in many schools, and even in Christian families reading has long been on the decline. At Eden we have an essential and fundamental love for reading and learning because God chose to reveal himself through the written Word. We are to read and study God’s Word often and know it in order to grow to be more like Jesus Christ. Reading Scripture and learning how to faithfully interpret it is essential to the Christian’s life. Alongside that, we have a rich inheritance of wonderful literary works that we get the privilege to delight in.
Families who read and love to learn join Eden because they want the world of language, books, history, science, and math to be an integrated whole. They want their children to use their love of knowledge to explore and seek truth. Families that do not have a regular rhythm of reading in their home probably will not find this value as compelling as we do. Teaching children the love and joy of reading is integral to the heart of our school.
Homeschooling is both incredibly wonderful and incredibly difficult. It’s a journey that will test your resolve, your patience, and your endurance. God will use it as a primary means of your sanctification as parents. The time homeschooling requires of parents is often greater than it is perceived to be at the outset. Alongside the sacrifice of time is a sacrifice and investment of your finances. Partnering with Eden in the education and discipleship of your child(ren) is tremendously valuable… and also costly. It’s an investment we wholeheartedly believe will pay off in more than only financial ways.
Our standards within the school are loving and structured. We believe all children are created in the image of God and we deeply respect the uniqueness of their personalities. While we all know children are sinners like the rest of us , we do expect parents to support our teachers and administration as we lovingly encourage, correct and discipline children who are acting out. If you value a partnership with a school that will uphold high standards, you will do well at Eden.
Many thousands of parents are fleeing government controlled education (AKA the public school system). While we applaud this exodus, it’s also been our experience that many parents know what they’re running from without knowing or understanding what they’re running toward. We firmly believe there are many viable education options for parents to consider, and Eden is one such option. That being said, we are a unique option and do our best to ensure parents understand what Eden is not as much as what Eden is. Because we partner with homeschool families, we are not a “full-time-but-lighter” program. Our model really does require your commitment as parents to train and educate their child(ren). You will receive incredible assistance from skilled teachers who love your kids; but you will not find in Eden a replacement for you as father and mother in the home. Partnering together is our heart, and Eden can only remain healthy and vibrant if every one of our families are wholeheartedly invested in this endeavor.
Eden Classical Academy is a ministry of Doxa Church. Please be sure to read Doxa’s Doctrine Statement and understand that we only enroll families with parents in agreement with the Doctrine Statement. While caveats and nuances exist (and those can be discussed during the application and interview process), outright rejection of the basic biblical doctrines in the statement should help inform you that Eden will not be a proper fit for your family.
At Eden Classical Academy, our goal is to provide an excellent classical Christian education founded upon a biblical worldview. We thank you for your interest in Eden Classical Academy and invite you to explore this website as you consider your child’s educational options.
It is our prayer that you will find our vision compelling and consider partnering with us as you educate your children to the glory of God. We would be honored to assist you during the Admissions process to help you determine if Eden Classical Academy is the best school for your family. We look forward to helping you explore the benefits of a classical Christian education!
Admissions Procedures
Step 1: Formally Inquiring
After reviewing the Admissions page, consider the 7 Questions to ensure alignment with our values. Use the Inquiry button to take the next step with Eden.
Step 2: Open House & Information Meeting
Following your inquiry, we will invite you to an Open House and Information Meeting to experience our school on a Monday morning. You will attend chapel, take a school tour, and hear our mission, vision, and program details.
Step 3: Formal Application & Assessments
After the Open House, you will receive next steps to formally apply through our Student Information System. Assessments for language arts and mathematics will be scheduled after the online application is filled out to officially complete an application.
Step 4: Family Interview
A family interview will be scheduled once the assessments have been completed and reviewed by our Leadership Team.
Important Enrollment
2024-2025 Dates
Open House Dates: January 20th, February 10th, February 24th
New Family Enrollment: Opens March 1st