Providing Collaborative Christ-centered Classical Education

The Eden Experience

As image bearers of Christ, education is more than the acquisition of knowledge; it is about soul formation.  Education must involve pursuit of rightly ordered virtues, culture, and affections. 

  • As image bearers of Christ, education is more than the acquisition of knowledge; it is about soul formation. Education must involve pursuit of rightly ordered virtues, culture, and affections.

    Therefore, our mission is to come alongside parents as they pursue this Biblical calling to raise up their children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord (Eph 6:4, Deut 6:4-7).

  • We exist to glorify God by cultivating students in wisdom and virtue through collaborative, classical, Christ-centered education.

  • Eden Classical Academy is a ministry of Doxa Church. Please be sure to read Doxa’s Doctrine Statement and understand that we only enroll families with parents in agreement with the Doctrine Statement.

We desire to cultivate students who:

  • Understand and believe the Gospel and enjoy a growing faith in Jesus Christ.

  • Actively participate in the local body of Christ.

  • Study Scripture, pray, and serve faithfully

  • Read deeply and charitably; reason truthfully and diligently; speak and write with wisdom and grace.

  • Behold and pursue truth, goodness, and beauty—as found in the person and work of Jesus Christ—and become like Him.

  • Consider Christ as Lord over all… students who meditate on and value His Word, His providential hand in history, and His creation.

  • Glorify God by loving Him with all of one’s heart, mind, soul, and strength, and from this abundance, loving and serving others.

  • Gospel-Centered Paideia

    We are marked by the gospel, which is not just the beginning of the Christian life, but the foundation and inspiration for the entire Christian life. The gospel inspires us to live graciously and repentantly as God’s cherished, adopted children. We cultivate Christian paideia by study of Christ’s person and work by living out this gospel, in repentance and in faith.

  • Wonder and Delight

    We apply God’s Word as the prime lens through which all of life and learning is appraised. All knowledge is interrelated for He alone is the Creator and Sustainer of everyone and everything.

  • Living & Teaching from a State of Rest

    If education is understood as leading students out of ignorance and sin into knowledge, faith, wisdom, and virtue, then we ought to reflect on whether our own affections–as teachers and as parents–are rightly ordered.

Important Dates

Open House Dates: January 20th, February 10th, February 24th

New Family Enrollment: Opens March 1st